
Disney World in Florida is one of my favorite places to visit, whether with my kids or without them. It is such a magical place.

My most favorite time of year to visit is Christmas, that magic seems to expand tenfold! The beautifully decorated Christmas trees are decorated just perfectly of course and are themed to fit what “land” they are standing in and will bring a sense of wonder and extra magic to the season.

If you can go early in the month of December, the lines won’t be as long, and the temperature is generally very moderate. You can get by with light jeans and a t-shirt during the day and might need only a light jacket at night.

You must be in the Magic Kingdom in front of Cinderella’s Castle for the parade and see Tinker Bell fly from the top of the castle over to Space Mountain, it is a truly amazing site.

Another truly wonderful thing is that it snows on Main Street! What better way to add to your holiday cheer than to have snow falling softly on your shoulders while you are enjoying a stroll down Main Street and maybe stopping in the sweet shop for some fudge or some hot chocolate.